
3rd Anniversary Everything Ramen Everything Ramen


Since November 2020, Ramen Walker Kitchen has featured over 100 restaurants from all across Japan, giving guests face-to-face opportunities with the chefs themselves. Now is your opportunity to join us in celebrating the third anniversary of Ramen Walker Kitchen at our event "Ramen Museum ~Everything Ramen~!

This event welcomes people from around the globe to come to learn more and enjoy 'everything' about Ramen. Much like a museum, the event features stalls that embody everything great about this wonderful cuisine. This is your chance to taste some excellent Ramen while attending special exhibitions and hands-on events. See, eat, and feel what Ramen is all about in this one-of-a-kind event!

Make a Reservation

Special Event 1 3rd Anniversary Booth

For 9 days (Novermber 3rd ~ 6th, 8th ~ 12th), special stalls will feature 9 world-leading Ramen chefs that change out every single day.

Booth Schedule

Special Event 2 3rd Anniversary Exhibit


Special Event 3 3rd Anniversary Experience


This event will be held every day at Ramen Walker Kitchen in Tokorozawa Sakuratown, please check here for the location
