You must agree to the terms of service in order to participate in the campaign. By submitting an entry, you indicate your agreement to the following terms.
All copyrights in relation to campaign entries will be retained by the participant. Note, however, that the campaign Office shall be given the use of campaign entries free of charge in the following instances.
1) The use of campaign entries, in whole or in part, for campaign promotions, advertising, announcement of results, or the like on various forms of media, including television, magazines, and online. Note that videos used for the above purpose may be edited as needed (subtitles added, splicing, etc.).
2) Any other campaign-related use.
Photos or Videos that contain footage created by others, material whose copyright is held by someone other than the campaign participant (music, choreography, or other content created by another person), and/or company names, product names, portrait of others, likenesses, etc. may not be submitted without licensing from the copyright holder. Note that photos or videos in violation of common decency will not be accepted either.
Upon submitting their work, posters must guarantee that their campaign entry in no way violates any third-party copyrights.
If persons other than the campaign participant are depicted in the photos or videos, every one of them must also agree to these terms of service.
Photos or videos in violation of these terms of service or those deemed inappropriate for the campaign by the campaign Office will not be eligible for campaign participation, or may have their qualifications revoked after entry. Note that we cannot respond to inquiries regarding participation denials.
Always shoot photos or videos after confirming the safety of the environment and in consideration of others. The campaign Office will not be held responsible for any injury or damages resulting from a failure to follow basic rules of courtesy.
Campaign participants who use Instagram or Twitter must be in accordance with the Instagram or Twitter terms of service and usage guidelines as well as with these terms of service.
These terms of service are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the campaign Office. Any changes due to the status of campaign operations or other unavoidable circumstances will be posted on the special campaign website in advance, and the campaign may be suspended.
Should a third party file a complaint or seek compensation, etc. for damages as a result of a posted photo or video, the campaign participants will be held responsible and liable for payments required to settle the dispute. Should the campaign Office suffer any losses, the campaign participant will be forced to pay compensation.
Should campaign participants suffer any damages in connection with their participation in the campaign, the campaign Office will not be held responsible except in cases of gross negligence.
Personal information collected from campaign entries will be strictly managed in accordance with the Privacy Policy of KADOKAWA ASCII Research Laboratories, Inc., the company holding the campaign (, and only for the purposes of campaign operations and management (e.g. contacting campaign participants and winners). Personal information will never be released or revealed to a third party without campaign participant consent, except in cases where information must be provided to a contracted business partner for the purpose of campaign operations.
Campaign operations and the application/interpretation of these terms of service shall be in compliance with Japanese law. Should a campaign participant file a lawsuit regarding the campaign or these terms of service, this action shall indicate consent to the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court as the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first instance.
Minors must have consent of a parent or guardian in order to participate in the campaign.
Any telecommunications charges or costs associated with campaign photos or videos production are the responsibility of the campaign participant.
Award rights cannot not be transferred, sold, or exchanged for money.
The special campaign website may be accessed and entries may be submitted via smartphone, computer, tablet, or other devices.
Campaign entries will become invalid if they are deleted from YouTube or niconico. Make sure that videos remain pointed until the campaign results are announced.